Author’s page

Howdy Simon Markon is a 53-year-old personal trainer who enjoys football, travelling and vandalising bus stops. He is stable and loveable, but can also be very unkind and a bit lazy.

He is Egyptian. He started studying sports science at college but never finished the course.

Physically, Howdy is in pretty good shape. He is very tall with dark chocolate skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Unusually, he has a prosthetic leg; he lost his in a car accident.

He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. His parents separated when he was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home.

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with an electrician called Maria Yvonne Mason, who was 2 years older than him. They broke up because Maria wanted somebody less mean.

Howdy’s best friend is a personal trainer called Blanche Holmes. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with a personal trainer called Hollie O’Gallagher. They enjoy spreading fake news on Facebook together.